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2019 MWC Shanghai

Global Exhibition

VIVO 2019 MWC Shanghai

Global Exhibition

Project Background

VIVO is a global telecommunications company specializing in the development and manufacturing of smartphones, accessories, software and online services. VIVO has reached beyond its Chinese market since being founded in 2009 to become one of the top smartphone corporations in the world. Focusing on both cutting-edge technology and consumer lifestyle trends, VIVO is continuously introducing innovative products to imprint its brand globally, and MWC this year was no exception.

MWC (Mobile World Congress) is the world’s largest mobile industry exhibition and conference. Prominent corporations from all over the world gather together to share ideas and showcase technology. Not limited to mobile operators, device manufacturers or vendors, the exhibition offers an opportunity to view, learn and network among those that are of the mobile industry. This year’s focus was on the theme on Intelligent Connectivity.

Let's Fun VIVO.

Our Solution

Eidetic Marketing creatively designed the booth to maximize brand exposure by translating VIVO’s concept of ‘5G City Online’ by designing the booth to resemble a server room. This server room represents the collective data needed to experience a future lifestyle utilizing the technology from VIVO through 4 major aspects of our lives; home, subway, office, and store. The booth seamlessly tied together these four distinct aspects of daily life while also showcasing the amazing technology that VIVO brought to display.

We provided:
-Exhibition area, 300m2
-Created optimal exposure and engagement for VIVO's new product (X27 Pro/iQOO/iQOO 5G)
-Overall design, fabrication of booth and brand applications
-HR employment and on-site management for totality of exhibition